Personalized Learning is complex, so much so that it indeed is a wicked problem that seems to be impossible to solve. There are many layers of complexity and considerations from various stakeholders in the education of students—from parents to principals. Three central questions that drive further exploration of personalized learning are the following.

1. Why is there a need for personalized learning in the classroom today?

This questions probs the heart of the problem. Personalized learning has not emerged in a vacuum, but instead has been propelled as a solution to some educational issues. Better understanding those problems will help us understand the intent behind the personalized learning pedagogy and how it might be or might not be implemented

2. Why do teachers perceive that the personalized learning classroom environment will be an overwhelming challenge?

Due to the incredible complexities surrounding personalized learning, teachers seem to be overwhelmed by the idea of its implementation. This questions asks what specific things bring-on that anxiety and why. If this question can be answered, it may lead to solutions on how to implement personalized learning sustainably with the buy-in of teachers.

3. Why is the personalized learning structure just focused inside the classroom and not the entire school? (Pre-determined pathways, university requirements, standardized tests)

Personalized learning is focused on students advancing through course content at their own pace and through their own choices. However, due to the structure of education and batching students in rooms according to their age, students have little autonomy to advance beyond the class or grade. Moreover, the entire system of education is geared toward the assembly line education model. Unpacking why personalized learning has primarily focused on individual classrooms might help resolve some of the more significant issues that extend beyond the classroom.

These three questions will help focus further research into the wickedness of Personalized Learning. For a better picture of some, and by no means, all, of the complexities related to this pedagogy, check out this infographic on the 10 Complexities of Personalized Learning.

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